Paolo Scerni s.r.l., by a resolution of the Board of Directors on January 22, 2024, adopted an organizational and management model geared toward ensuring conditions of fairness and transparency in the conduct of business and corporate activities, in line with the provisions of D.lgs 231 n. 231/2001.

At the same time, a Supervisory Board was also appointed to independently supervise the proper functioning of the Model.

The decision to adopt Model 231, stems from the desire to protect the company’s position and image by preventing unlawful behavior by those acting on its behalf. Model 231 also represents an important opportunity for verification and integration of decision-making processes as well as corporate control systems, strengthening the image of fairness and transparency to which the company’s activities have always been oriented.

The Code of Ethics, as a charter of rights and duties, defines the ethical and social responsibility of all those who participate in company life, in whatever capacity, and is an integral and substantial part of the management model.

Directors, staff, collaborators, and supervisory bodies, have an obligation to respect these moral values and to directly contact the Supervisory Board to report any behavior that does not comply with the provisions of the Model and the Code of Ethics.